Sunday 5 October 2008

Welcome to October

Wow hasn't it gone rather cold rather quickly! I wonder if this means that we are in for a proper winter for a change, and not just the cold wet ones that we have been having recently.

Anyway, enough about that!

Have been really busy with the jewellery making, last weekend I had an absolute beading binge, don't think I have ever made so much in one go lol

Plenty of earrings, some of them were Sterling Silver shapes, which I covered with Swaros, they really do catch the light, so anyway they are listed on the site now.

As are the other necklaces, bracelets and eyeglass chains that I made, so now there really is something for everyone.

So if you are starting to think about your Christmas shopping why not take a look and see if there is anything you fancy, how about a lovely piece of jewellery for the party season, or even some gifts?

Oh, forgot to say, am now booked into a couple of craft fairs for the Christmas season, details are on the site!

That's all for now, speak to you all again soon

Jo xx